Discipline is remembering what you want.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm fasting tomorrow until friday night.  I'm going to a sweet sixteen and I don't know the food situation there, so I want to be prepared.  I don't plan to eat anything there though if I don't have to.  I have nothing to wear though...all my dresses are too big on me noww, which is good, and bad haha.  Whatever, I'll figure something outt.  Night everyoneeeee.

Starve on,

1 comment:

  1. Yes! A fast, same here with me & my ana text buddy. I realised I'd never done or tried a five day fast! So I'm inspired! I'm moving out, so i won't have my family bugging me whenever i change my habits. I decided i dont have the right to weigh myself until i do a fast
